Members -Teaching Area
Country | Institution | Teaching Area |
Country | Institution | Teaching Area |
URUGUAY | Universidad La República | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
URUGUAY | Universidad La República | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
URUGUAY | Universidad La República | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
URUGUAY | Fiadi | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
URUGUAY | Fiadi | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
URUGUAY | Asociación de Escribanos del Uruguay | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
URUGUAY | Asociación de Escribanos del Uruguay | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
UNITED STATES | The University of Arizona | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
UNITED STATES | The University of Arizona | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
UNITED KINGDOM | Thomsom Legal & Regulatory Europe | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
UNITED KINGDOM | Thomsom Legal & Regulatory Europe | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
UNITED KINGDOM | University of Edimburg | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
UNITED KINGDOM | University of Edimburg | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
UNITED KINGDOM | University of Warwick | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
UNITED KINGDOM | University of Warwick | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
UNITED KINGDOM | University of Warwick | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
UNITED KINGDOM | Queen’s University of Belfast | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
UNITED KINGDOM | Queen’s University of Belfast | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
TURKEY | Isik Üniversitesi | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
TURKEY | Isik Üniversitesi | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
TURKEY | Isik Üniversitesi | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
SWEDEN | Örebro Universitet | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
SWEDEN | Örebro Universitet | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
SWEDEN | Örebro Universitet | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
SWEDEN | Blekinge Tekniska Högskola | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
SWEDEN | Blekinge Tekniska Högskola | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
SWEDEN | Blekinge Tekniska Högskola | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
SWEDEN | Blekinge Tekniska Högskola | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD2.2: Principles of certification policies and regulations for the suppliers of certification services of electronic communications. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Zaragoza | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
SPAIN | TB·Solutions | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
SPAIN | Pariver | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
SPAIN | Net 2 You SL | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
SPAIN | Fundación Universidad San Jorge | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
SPAIN | Fundación Universidad San Jorge | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
SPAIN | Fundación Universidad San Jorge | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
SPAIN | Fundación San Valero | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SPAIN | Fundación San Valero | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
SPAIN | Fundación San Valero | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
SPAIN | Fundación San Valero | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
SPAIN | FASE – Formación y Asesores en Selección | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
SPAIN | FASE – Formación y Asesores en Selección | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
SPAIN | FASE – Formación y Asesores en Selección | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
SPAIN | Efor | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
SPAIN | Cristina Malo Navarro. Abogada | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
SPAIN | Cristina Malo Navarro. Abogada | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
SPAIN | Cristina Malo Navarro. Abogada | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
SPAIN | Ceste | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
SPAIN | Centro de Producción Audiovisual Salduie | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
SPAIN | Análisis y aplicaciones | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
SPAIN | Universidad del País Vasco | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SPAIN | Universidad del País Vasco | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
SPAIN | Universidad del País Vasco | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Deusto | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SPAIN | Universidad de Deusto | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Deusto | TRD2.2: Principles of certification policies and regulations for the suppliers of certification services of electronic communications. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Deusto | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Deusto | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Deusto | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Deusto | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Valladolid | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SPAIN | Universidad de Valladolid | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Valladolid | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
SPAIN | Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SPAIN | Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
SPAIN | Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
SPAIN | Lexland Abogados | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
SPAIN | Lexland Abogados | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
SPAIN | Lexland Abogados | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
SPAIN | Universidad de La Laguna | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
SPAIN | Universidad de La Laguna | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
SPAIN | Pasum, SA | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
SPAIN | Cuatrecasas | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SPAIN | Cuatrecasas | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
SPAIN | Cuatrecasas | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
SPAIN | Asociación Impulsan | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
SPAIN | Asociación Impulsan | TRD2.2: Principles of certification policies and regulations for the suppliers of certification services of electronic communications. |
SPAIN | Wirelessland SL | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SPAIN | Web Dreams | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SPAIN | Web Dreams | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
SPAIN | Web Dreams | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
SPAIN | Procondat | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
SPAIN | Procondat | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
SPAIN | Aptice | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
SPAIN | Aptice | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
SPAIN | Aptice | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
SPAIN | Academia Técnica Oscense | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Burgos | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Burgos | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Burgos | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
SPAIN | Universidad de Burgos | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
SPAIN | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SPAIN | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
SPAIN | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
SPAIN | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
SPAIN | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
SPAIN | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
SPAIN | Universitat de les Illes Balears | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
SPAIN | Universitat de les Illes Balears | TRD2.2: Principles of certification policies and regulations for the suppliers of certification services of electronic communications. |
SPAIN | Universitat de les Illes Balears | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
SLOVENIA | Univerza na Primorskem | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
SLOVENIA | Univerza na Primorskem | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
SLOVAK REPUBLIC | Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
SLOVAK REPUBLIC | Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
SLOVAK REPUBLIC | Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
RUSSIA | Irkutsk State Technical University | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
RUSSIA | Irkutsk State Technical University | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
RUSSIA | Irkutsk State Technical University | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
ROMANIA | Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
ROMANIA | Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
ROMANIA | Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
ROMANIA | Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
ROMANIA | Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
ROMANIA | Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
PORTUGAL | Universidade do Porto | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
PORTUGAL | Universidade do Porto | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
PORTUGAL | Instituto Politécnico de Beja | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
PORTUGAL | Instituto Politécnico de Beja | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
PORTUGAL | Instituto Politécnico de Beja | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
POLAND | Uniwersytet Wroclawski | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
POLAND | Uniwersytet Wroclawski | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
POLAND | Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
POLAND | Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
POLAND | Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
POLAND | Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
NORWAY | Universitetet i Oslo | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
NORWAY | Universitetet i Oslo | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
NORWAY | Universitetet i Oslo | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Tilburg | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Tilburg | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Tilburg | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Tilburg | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Tilburg | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Tilburg | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Tilburg | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Tilburg | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Tilburg | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
NETHERLANDS | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
NETHERLANDS | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
NETHERLANDS | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
NETHERLANDS | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |
NETHERLANDS | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
NETHERLANDS | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
NETHERLANDS | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Amsterdam | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Amsterdam | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |
NETHERLANDS | Universiteit Van Amsterdam | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
MEXICO | Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. Social Science, Research Center | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |
MALTA | Universita ta Malta | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
MALTA | Universita ta Malta | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
LUXEMBOURG | Centre de Recherche Public – Gabriel Lippman | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
LUXEMBOURG | Centre de Recherche Public – Gabriel Lippman | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
LUXEMBOURG | Centre de Recherche Public – Gabriel Lippman | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
LITHUANIA | Vilniaus universitetas | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
LITHUANIA | Vilniaus universitetas | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
LITHUANIA | Vilniaus universitetas | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
LITHUANIA | Mykolo Romeiro Universitetas | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
LITHUANIA | Mykolo Romeiro Universitetas | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
LITHUANIA | Mykolo Romeiro Universitetas | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
LIECHTENSTEIN | Liechtensteinische Landesverwaltung | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
LIECHTENSTEIN | Liechtensteinische Landesverwaltung | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
LIECHTENSTEIN | Liechtensteinische Landesverwaltung | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
LATVIA | Rígas Juridiská Augstskola | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
LATVIA | Rígas Juridiská Augstskola | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
LATVIA | Rígas Juridiská Augstskola | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
ITALY | Insynergy Consulting Italia Srl | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
ITALY | Insynergy Consulting Italia Srl | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
ITALY | Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
ITALY | Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
ITALY | Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
ITALY | Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |
ITALY | Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
ITALY | Centro Interuniversitario di Sociologia | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
ITALY | Centro Interuniversitario di Sociologia | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
ITALY | Centro Interuniversitario di Sociologia | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
ITALY | Centro Interuniversitario di Sociologia | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
ITALY | Università di Bologna | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
ITALY | Università di Bologna | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |
ITALY | Università di Bologna | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
ITALY | Università di Bologna | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
IRELAND | McInerney Solicitors | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
IRELAND | McInerney Solicitors | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
IRELAND | McInerney Solicitors | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
IRELAND | McInerney Solicitors | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
ICELAND | Háskóli Íslands | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
ICELAND | Háskóli Íslands | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
ICELAND | Háskóli Íslands | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
HUNGARY | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
HUNGARY | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
HUNGARY | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
HUNGARY | Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
HUNGARY | Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
HUNGARY | Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
GREECE | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
GREECE | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
GREECE | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
GREECE | Eurotechniki | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
GREECE | Eurotechniki | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
GREECE | Mindwell S.A. | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
GREECE | Mindwell S.A. | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
GREECE | Mindwell S.A. | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
GREECE | Maria Niovi Angelidi Dilkigoros | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
GREECE | Maria Niovi Angelidi Dilkigoros | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
GREECE | Maria Niovi Angelidi Dilkigoros | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
GREECE | Maria Niovi Angelidi Dilkigoros | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
GERMANY | Universität des Saarlandes | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
GERMANY | Universität des Saarlandes | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |
GERMANY | Universität des Saarlandes | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
GERMANY | Universität Oldenburg | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
GERMANY | Universität Oldenburg | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
GERMANY | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
GERMANY | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
GERMANY | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
GERMANY | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
GERMANY | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
GERMANY | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
FRANCE | Universite Panthéon-Assas Paris II | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
FRANCE | Universite Panthéon-Assas Paris II | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
FRANCE | Universite Panthéon-Assas Paris II | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
FINLAND | Vaasan yliopisto | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
FINLAND | Vaasan yliopisto | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
FINLAND | Lapin yliopisto | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
FINLAND | Lapin yliopisto | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
FINLAND | Lapin yliopisto | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
ESTONIA | Tartu Ülikool | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
ESTONIA | Tartu Ülikool | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
ESTONIA | Tartu Ülikool | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
ESTONIA | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
ESTONIA | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool | TRD2.3: Computer programs, rules for their design, development and implementation: the framework and limits of the standards approved by technical entities. The social study and legal review of the security manuals of information programs and systems. |
ESTONIA | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
DENMARK | Handelshøjskolen i København | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
DENMARK | Handelshøjskolen i København | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
DENMARK | Handelshøjskolen i København | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Univerzità Tomáse Bati Ve Zline | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Univerzità Tomáse Bati Ve Zline | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Univerzita Hradec Králové | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Univerzita Hradec Králové | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Univerzita Hradec Králové | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Univerzita Hradec Králové | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
CYPRUS | Panepistimio Kyprou | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
CYPRUS | Panepistimio Kyprou | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
CYPRUS | Panepistimio Kyprou | TRD3.5: Ethics for engineers and ICT professionals. The conceptual, political and legal-theoretical basis for codes of conduct for ICT professionals. |
CUBA | Universidad de La Habana | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
CUBA | Universidad de La Habana | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |
CUBA | Universidad de La Habana | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
CHILE | Universidad de Talca | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
CHILE | Universidad de Talca | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
CHILE | Universidad Diego Portales | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
CHILE | Universidad Diego Portales | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
CHILE | Universidad Diego Portales | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
CANADA | University of Ottawa | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
CANADA | University of Ottawa | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
CANADA | University of Ottawa | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
BULGARI | Lex BG | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
BULGARI | Lex BG | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
BULGARI | Lex BG | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
BULGARI | Law and Internet Foundation (CLICT) | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
BULGARI | Law and Internet Foundation (CLICT) | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
BULGARI | Law and Internet Foundation (CLICT) | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
BRAZIL | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
BRAZIL | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
BRAZIL | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
BRAZIL | Univercidade | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
BRAZIL | Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Eletrônico | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
BRAZIL | Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Eletrônico | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
BRAZIL | Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Eletrônico | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
BRAZIL | Universidade Federal do Pará | TRD1.4: Telecommunications in courts and electronic justice. |
BRAZIL | Universidade Federal do Pará | TRD2.7: Domain names, electronic commerce and government. Establishing the legal basis of regulation proposals and developing codes of practice. |
BRAZIL | Universidade Federal do Pará | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
BELGIUM | Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix à Namur | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
BELGIUM | Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix à Namur | TRD1.2: The governance of electronic commerce through codes of practice. Basis for multi-cultural codes of practice for electronic commerce. |
BELGIUM | Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix à Namur | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
BELGIUM | Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix à Namur | TRD2.5: Preparation of codes of practice for the electronic government. The underlying principles codes of practice and service charters. |
BELGIUM | Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix à Namur | TRD3.2: Universal telecommunications service: user's rights. Principles that should underpin legislation designed for overcoming the digital divide. |
BELGIUM | Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix à Namur | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
BELGIUM | Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix à Namur | TRD3.4: Privacy, data protection and the security of information systems and programs. Identity management in the new society. Legislative concepts and proposals, codes of practice and standards. |
BELGIUM | Katholieke Universitei Leuven | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
BELGIUM | Katholieke Universitei Leuven | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
BELGIUM | Katholieke Universitei Leuven | TRD2.6: Intellectual and industrial property as regards the characteristics of computer programs and information systems. Establishing the legal basis for Regulatory proposals. |
BELGIUM | Katholieke Universitei Leuven | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
AUSTRIA | Universität Wien | TRD1.3: Telecommunications and juridical activities: interpretation and application, access to documentation, elaboration of theories of Law, teaching and learning. |
AUSTRIA | Universität Wien | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |
AUSTRIA | Universität Wien | TRD3.3: Right to access to networks and inter-connections. Principles for the design and use of personal identification documents as mechanisms for access to networks. |
AUSTRIA | Johannes-Kepler Universität Linz | TRD1.1: The governance of telecommunications. Features and functions of those organizations and institutions which regulate the deregulation of the telecommunications market. Governance of telecommunications markets through sector specific regulation, competition |
AUSTRIA | Johannes-Kepler Universität Linz | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
AUSTRIA | Johannes-Kepler Universität Linz | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
AUSTRIA | Donau-Universität-Krems | TRD1.5: Telecommunications, rule of Law and electronic democracy |
AUSTRIA | Donau-Universität-Krems | TRD2.4: Electronic governance from a technical perspective. Principles for adapting its content and methodology to legal rules and to organizational operations. |
AUSTRIA | Donau-Universität-Krems | TRD3.1: Principles for legislation about computer programs, information systems, codes of conduct and standards for the persecution and proof of cyber crimes. Aspects of penal procedures. |
ARGENTINA | Universidad Nacional de La Plata | TRD2.1: Rules for using the cryptography of electronic communications and organising networks of providers of certification services. Principles for the coexistence of the old and new networks of legal security: public notaries and providers of certification service. |
ARGENTINA | Universidad Nacional de La Plata | TRD2.8: Legistic and legimatic applications to manage with the ICT the production of normative. ICT-based democratic debate inside institutions. Optimization of normative production lifecycle. Online Publication of Law |