November 2008, #13

Welcome to the 13th edition of the newsletter of the LAW&ICT Shared Virtual Campus project.
The aim of this newsletter is to keep
all the participants in the project and invited people informed of what happened during the last month

The newsletter is also a way for partners to share information with the other partners. All the participants in the project are invited to send news to be included in the next number. Please, send the messages to


In this issue:

  • Registration schedule in the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus
  • LEFISpedia
  • Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus Meeting. Nicolaus Copernicus University. Torun (Poland)
  • Foreseen Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus meetings 2009
  • Call for proposals 2009
  • The LEFIS Series



  • Registration schedule in the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus

    The call for registration in the LAW&ICT Shared Virtual Campus e-learning offer (LEFIS Master, LEFIS Specialization Certificates and LEFIS courses of Professional specialization) is open until 20th February 2009. The brochure that provides information about the courses in HERE.

    The references to the registration, contents and participation in the Master, Certificates and courses will be given by:

    Administrative questions
    PºFernando el Católico, 2, entr.
    50005 Zaragoza
    +34 976 351508

    Academic questions
    Fernando Galindo Ayuda
    Facultad de Derecho
    Tel.- +34 976761455


    The icitial draft of starutes for the Constitution of LEIFS as “Association Internationale sans but lucrative” (AISBL) according to the Belgian Law is HERE.


  • LEFISpedia

    The initial steps to build a LEFISpedia are presented HERE. Any proposal in very good welcome!


  • LAw&ICT Shared Virtual Campus Meeting. Nicolaus Copernicus University. Torun (Poland)

    The initial foreseen LAW&ICT Shared Virtual Campus Meeting during 2009 will have place in Torun (Poland) 23-24 February. The initial draft of the programme is here.

    The LEFIS partner interested to present learning offers to include in the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus offer for the year 2009-2010 are very good welcome to the Meeting. It is planned also the realization of Workshop on teaching prosecutors in cybercrime and e-evidence issues in the meeting.


  • Foreseen Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus meeting 2009

    Another planned meetings will have place during 2009 in: Salzbug (IRIS 2009, Austria), Beja (Portugal), Münster (Germany), Istambul (Turkey), Belfast (United Kingdom), La Laguna (Spain), Vaasa (Finland), Rovaniemi (Finland), Vilnius (Lithuania) and Zaragoza (Spain). The meetings are open to their co-organization with other activities of institutions and firms participating in LEFIS. This Newsletter will report about the celebration of the meetings.


  • Call for proposals 2009

    The call for Proposals of the Lifelong Learning Programme 2009: Multilateral Projects, Networks, Accompanying Measures and Studies under the Sub-Programmes, Transversal Programme (Key Activities) and Jean Monnet, is here.

  • The LEFIS Series

The edited volumes of the LEFIS Series list is here.





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