May 2009, #19

Welcome to the 19th edition of the newsletter of the LAW&ICT Shared Virtual Campus project.
The aim of this newsletter is to keepall the participants in the project and invited people informed of what happened during the last month

The newsletter is also a way for partners to share information with the other partners. All the participants in the project are invited to send news to be included in the next number. Please, send the messages to

In this issue:

·           Registration in the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus

·           Video-presentation on the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus

·           Dissemination activity & Séptimo encuentro latino iberoamericano de gobierno electrónico

e inclusión digital in Zaragoza (Spain)

·           Dissemination activity in La Laguna (Spain)

·           Dissemination activity in Münster (Germany)

·           LEGIS II Newsletter

·           Next meeting

·           LEFIS Society

·           The LEFIS Series

  • Registration in the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus.

    The registration in the LAW&ICT Shared Virtual Campus e-learning offer (LEFIS Master, LEFIS Specialization Certificates and LEFIS courses of Professional specialization) is open. The brochure that provides information about the courses in here.

    The references to the registration, contents and participation in the Master, Certificates and courses will be given by:

    Administrative questions
    PºFernando el Católico, 2, entr.
    50005 Zaragoza
    +34 976 351508

    Academic questions
    Fernando Galindo Ayuda
    Facultad de Derecho
    Tel.- +34 976761455

  • Video-presentation on the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus

    A video presentation on the activities of the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus Project is here

  • Dissemination activity & Septimo encuentro latino iberoamericano de gobierno electronico e inclusion digital in Zaragoza (Spain)

    The Web page with the presentations of the dissemination activity of the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus & Séptimo encuentro latino iberoamericano de gobierno electrónico e inclusión digital in Zaragoza (4th-5th May 2009) is here

  • Dissemination activity in La Laguna (Spain)

The Web pages on the dissemination activity of the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus in La Laguna (21st May 2009) are here: Programme and presentations

  • LEGIS II Newsletter

    The Newsletter on the Intensive Programme onLegal Aspects of Information Society II to celebrate in Istanbul (Turkey) on June 29 ‐ July 10, 2009, Beşiktaş Campus of Bahçeşehir University Is here

  • Next meeting

The programme of the next Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus meeting to celebrate in Barholm 11 The Strand, Portaferry, Co. Down, N Ireland BT22 1PF (United Kingdom) between 8th and 10th June 2009 is here

  • LEFIS Society

    The proposal on the constitution of the LEFIS Society organization is to continue with the established uses. They are the signature of bilateral agreements with the University of Zaragoza, owner of the European Mark LEFIS. The formula gives enough resources, experiences and possibilities to realize joint activities between the interested Universities, institutions and firms and the LEFIS organization located in the University of Zaragoza. All interested partners are very good welcome to sign agreements and to propose and to realize joint projects.


  • The LEFIS Series

The edited volumes of the LEFIS Series list are here .
The content of the LEFIS Series, part of the LEFIS Digital Library, can be searched here




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