May 2008, #7


Welcome to the 7th edition of the newsletter of the LAW&ICT Shared Virtual Campus project.
The aim of this newsletter is to keep all the participants in the project and invited people informed of what happened during the last month

The newsletter is also a way for partners to share information with the other partners. All the participants in the project are invited to send news to be included in the next number. Please, send the messages to


In this issue:

  • The LEFIS Virtual campus offer for 2008-2009
  • The Business plan for LEFIS and the draft of Statutes of the LEFIS LRS
  • The act of the XII Iberoamerican Law and Computers Congress (12-17 May 2008)
  • The presentations of the Zaragoza – Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus Meeting (13-17 May 2008)
  • The presentations of the IV Encuentro Ibero Latinoamericano sobre Gobierno Electrónico e Inclusión Digital (14 May 2008)



The LEFIS Virtual Campus offer for 2008-2009

The LEFIS Virtual campus offer for 2008-2009, including the LEFIS Master of the University of Zaragoza, the LEFIS specialization Diplomas and the LEFIS Courses of professional specialization


Business plan

The Business plan for LEFIS and the draft of Statutes of the LEFIS LRS
Comments and proposals are very good welcome (until the next 15th June)

XII Iberoamerican Law and Computers Congress
Act of the XII Iberoamerican Law and Computers Congress (12-17 May 2008)

Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus Meeting
Presentations of the Zaragoza – Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus Meeting (13-17 May 2008)

IV Encuentro Ibero Latinoamericano sobre Gobierno Electrónico e Inclusión Digital

Presentations of the IV Encuentro Ibero Latinoamericano sobre Gobierno Electroníco e Inclusión Digital (14 May 2008)





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