Legal Regulation of Electronic Communication
Mykolas Romeris University
Learning outcomes |
Educational activities |
Estimated student work time in hours |
Assessment |
1. To present understanding of Information Society processes and Impact of Communication Sector to Development of Information Society |
Lectures – Introduction to Electronic Communications sector. History and development. Advantages, benefits and risks. Introduction to policies and strategies. |
4 hours |
Students must do a written exam and a practical work -The grade is between 1 and 10, passing who obtains five points at least -The grade is the average of the written exam, the oral presentation of the practice and the written work on the practice, being indispensable to pass the written exam -The written exam consists on two questions about the program -The practical work consists on the evaluation of an electronic government website -The minimum extension of the written work on the practice is 5000 words |
Reading assignment on the lectures |
3 hours |
Working in small groups |
3 hours |
Personal reflection of themes presented in the lectures |
5 hours |
2. To specify Communications sector business models and practice |
Lectures – Electronic Communications markets and business models. Changes in service provisioning. Internet telephony, 3G radio networks. |
5 hours |
Reading assignment on the lectures |
5 hours |
Working in small group |
3 hours |
Personal reflection of themes presented in the lectures |
10 hours |
3. To understand Competition regulation specifics in Communications sector |
Lectures – Competition regulation in Electronic Communications Markets. Concept of Significant Market Power. |
5 hours |
Reading assignment on the lectures |
5 hours |
Working in small groups |
3 hours |
Personal reflection of themes presented in the lectures |
3 hours |
4. To know basic about management of resources of Electronic Communication sector |
Lectures – Resource management. Government role in allocation and coordination of frequencies. Spectrum regulations |
3 hours |
Reading assignment on the lectures |
5 hours |
Working in small group |
3 hours |
Personal reflection of themes presented in the lectures |
5 hours |
To know the state of development of the artificial intelligence systems and services with the aids of the ICT |
Lectures – Normative aspects; basic principles. Security measures and data protection. Protection of privacy. Location data. . |
5 hours |
Reading assignment on the lectures |
5 hours |
Working in small group |
3 hours |
Personal reflection of themes presented in the lectures |
7 hours |
135 hours |
100% |