Events 2004
27th-28th October | Corporate Governance & Compliance Including an Update on the New Combined Code & All New Requirements. (London)
27th-29th Octoberr | E challenges e2004 (Vienna) | |
26th-27th October | Cyberspace 2004: Normative Framework. Brno, Czech Republic | |
25th-29th October | Workshop on Regulatory Ontologies | |
20th-21st October | Telecommunications and Information Technology Convergence Addressing e Challenges of an Open Communications Environment (Limerick- Ireland)
14th-15th October | Compsec (London) | |
13th-14th October | Data Storage Event (London) | |
12th October- 01st December | Contracts and Consortium Agreements for Framework Six. (Cambridge and Hamburg) | |
29th-30th September | XML and WebServices (London) | |
23rd September |
Vistorm IT Directions Conference: The Future of Information Security and Infrastructure Services London)
21st-22nd September | e World Purchasing and Supply (London) | |
21st-23rd September | Wireless Enterprise World (London) | |
8th-11th September | 43rd European Telecommunications Congress | |
6th-9th September | 10th Latin American Congress on Computing and Law , Santiago de Chile | |
1st-4th September | European Group on Public Administration [EGPA] Study Group on Information and Communications Technologies in Public Administration
30th August-3rd September | EGOV04 | |
22nd-27th August | IFIP WorldComputerCongress | |
5th-6th July | Enterprise Networks 04 – Conference & Exhibition Live & Online |
29th June | Ontologies Du Droit Et Langage Juridique
23rd- 24th June | European Telecommunications Resilience and Recovery Association (ETRA) Annual Conference
22nd-23rd June | Procurement Solutions for e Public Sector
22nd-23rd June | Government Computing Exhibition and Conference 2004
15th-17th June | Mobile Enterprise
15th-17th June | Internet World
14th-15th June | System Integration 2004
9th-10th June | INTERSEC – Security Exhibition
8th-10th June | Wireless Connectivity World
27th-28th May | CompliTech
25th-27th May | Mediacast 2004
24th-27th May | A Workshop on E-Government & E-Democracy
19th-21st May | World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT)
25th-26th March |
BILETA 2004 | |
23rd-24th February | First Scandinavian Workshop on E-Government |