April 2010, #30
LEFIS Network Newsletter – Issue No 30, April 2010
Welcome to the 30th edition of the Newsletter of the LEFIS Network.
The aim of this Newsletter is to keep all the participants in the Network informed of what happened during the last month.
The Newsletter is also a way for partners to share information with the other partners. All the participants in the Network are invited to send news to be included in the next number. Please send the messages to bmarin@unizar.es
All the sent LEFIS Newsletters are here
In this issue: |
Registration in the Law&ICT Shared Virtual Campus.
The registration in the LAW&ICT Shared Virtual Campus e-learning offer (Official offer, LEFIS Specialization Certificates and LEFIS courses of Professional specialization) is open. The brochure that provides information about the courses is here
The references to the registration, contents and participation in the Certificates and courses will be given by:
Administrative questions
PºFernando el Católico, 2, entr.
50005 Zaragoza
+34 976 351508
Academic questions
Fernando Galindo Ayuda
Facultad de Derecho
Tel. – +34 976761455
New programme
References to the new LLM Cyberlaw: Information Technology, Law and Society, organized by the University of Leeds are here
- KnowRight 2010. KnowRight 2010, 5-6 May 2010, Juridicum, Vienna
- III Congresso Baiano de Direito Eletrônico 12, 13 e 14 de maio de 2010 Auditório Raúl Chaves da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal da Bahia – -UFBA
- Simpósio de Segurança Informática e Criminalidade (http://www.estig.ipbeja.pt/simsic/) 4.ª feira, 19 de Maio de 2010 Instituto Politécnico de Beja
- ICAIL 2011 Monday, June 06, 2011 · Friday, June 10, 2011 University of Pittsburgh School of Law
- II Jornadas sobre derecho y tecnología & Noveno encuentro ibero-latinoamericano de gobierno electrónico e inclusión digital. The call for papers and the list of the invited Conferences to the II Jornadas sobre derecho y tecnología & Noveno encuentro ibero-latinoamericano de gobierno electrónico e inclusión digital, Faculty of Law Valladolid, Spain, June 28-29, 2010 can be accesed.
- SUBTECH 2010 Eleventh International Conference on Substantive Technology in Legal Education. Faculty of Law Zaragoza, Spain. July 1-3, 2010. SubTech is an invitational conference, if you are interested in attending, please contact Fernando Galindo: cfa@unizar.es . The information on the Conference is (http://www.subtech2010.org/).
- ICEGOV2010 4th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance 25 – 28 October 2010, Beijing, China
- XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho e Informática, organizado por FIADI, a celebrar del 25 al 30 de octubre de 2010, en Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
The LEFIS Series
The edited volumes of the LEFIS Series are here.
The content of the LEFIS Series, part of the LEFIS Digital Library, can be searched here